Thursday, February 9, 2012

So I guess I am starting a new blog! You  know I am just trying to be cool like all those other blogger's out there. But no, this blog actually does have some thought behind it. You see a year and a half ago I was practically brain dead. Literally! No, but I really did have a brain aneurysm. I had a arterialvenus Malformation inside my brain. Pretty much to describe it quickly  there was a lot of blood and it took FOREVER for me to recover from it. Not to mention the fact that I have never met any one my age, 25 at the time who had gone through this. So anyway to make an ending to this enriching story I have had to compensate with the right side of my Brain because of how much damage was done to left side. Now I know I'm not in the medical field but I do believe that our brains are so highly functioning and amazing that there is no way we can even begin to understand them and all the amazing functions they have right now. I believe that ;parts of our brain can compensate for what we loose. I believe that the right side side of my brain has saved my life. Luckily it is my artistic, musical , and creative side. Lets see what I can do with it!